Thursday, June 30, 2005

The kid is legal

It finally happened! REALLY, it did!! The hubby got his license back!! After a whole year, it finally happened! I am SO glad that I don't have to be the one to drive everywhere now. I wanna throw a party of some kind. *Gets ideas of party grandeur* I took him to the DMV. We left here at 4:15 and drove the hour to the DMV (in the sticks, there ain't shit for nuttin out here lol). We pull up in front of the building and the sign reads "Estimated waiting time: 55 minutes"! I stayed in the parking lot reading a car magazine. Now, I want one of these. So an hour at the DMV, a new driver's license and the dream of a $35,000 sports car. Ahhhhhh what a life!

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

All worked out

The head of the recreation department called me back. I told her the situation as I see it. She said she'd talk to the lifeguard and let me know. She called me back about 15 minutes later. She said that the lifeguard told her she did not call my son "slow boy" she called him "snorkel boy" (personally, I don't see how that's much better). She also said she admitted to saying what she said to my son about being ignorant. The boss lady gave this lifeguard her one and only warning. I figure it won't be long until she's looking for another job. Until then, she'd better keep her shit to herself concerning my kids. I just may have to drag my fat ass on down to the pool and give this little girl a piece of my mind!

Oh am I pissed!!

My kids go across the street to the school for open swim everyday of the week. There's this inconsiderate bitch of a lifeguard. Apparently she's a high school student. Yesterday, one of my boys was snorkeling in the water around the diving board. He didn't know what part of the pool he was in exactly. She screams at him "HEY SLOW BOY!" to get him to come over to her. Then she kicks him out of the pool for the day. Now, I understand safety, but that's ridiculous. I didn't do anything figuring it was just a one-time incident., my other boy was swimming near her and he accidentally splashed her. She called him over and said "You are out of the pool for 10 minutes for lack of intelligence and stupidity" (redundancy is a terrible waste of words). I am so pissed off. I have a call in to the head of the recreation department. I want this little bitch's job! NO ONE talks to my kids that way! Stay tuned while I kick some ass.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Gotta be a "blah" day

Ever wake up in the morning and just know that the whole day will be filled with "blah"? That's how I feel today. I laid in bed watching TV for the longest time. I got up once and took the dogs outside and sat out there with them. I think mostly just wanted to say that I did it. I went back to bed til Scott came home. It's amazing how kids and dogs seem to know just when you're not wanting to be bothered. Every 10 minutes I had kids running into my room and dogs jumping on my bed. Fortunately, the kids are old enough to do what they wanna/gotta do without direct supervision. Scott came in and laid there with me while we talked about his day at work. I finally got out of bed about 4:30pm. I'm gonna jump in the shower and haul my ass out to get some KFC for dinner and then go back to bed I think. Yeah, boring post but when you lay in bed all day long, there usually isn't much to report.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Introduction to me

Welcome to my blog!

My name is Andi. I'm stuck in the sticks in West-Central Wisconsin. I have kids (but that's not what this is about). I have a dog (but that's not what this is about either). I haven't quite decided exactly what this is going to be about. I'm 33, had a pretty rough life and have learned loads along the way. I'm hoping if I share my quirks, quips and humor with you all, it will help me understand me, my life and the human race in general. Whew, that's asking alot over one little blog!