Thursday, June 30, 2005

The kid is legal

It finally happened! REALLY, it did!! The hubby got his license back!! After a whole year, it finally happened! I am SO glad that I don't have to be the one to drive everywhere now. I wanna throw a party of some kind. *Gets ideas of party grandeur* I took him to the DMV. We left here at 4:15 and drove the hour to the DMV (in the sticks, there ain't shit for nuttin out here lol). We pull up in front of the building and the sign reads "Estimated waiting time: 55 minutes"! I stayed in the parking lot reading a car magazine. Now, I want one of these. So an hour at the DMV, a new driver's license and the dream of a $35,000 sports car. Ahhhhhh what a life!

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