Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Bitchin hot!

So I wake up this morning (in air-conditioned bliss, I might add) and decide to watch some TV in bed before letting the kids know I'm awake. It was a good, quiet morning. I got up and got dressed, and decided to go outside for a smoke (yeah, back to smoking again for now. I guess quitting for a few years doesn't always mean it's going to stick). But I digress. I open the front door and HOLY SHIT this wave of extreme heat hits me in the face like a pile of bricks! It was 90 degrees outside and it wasn't even 10am! It was a short smoke, to say the least. As I sit here now, the thermometer thingy (yes thingy, a technical term) says it is 97.2 degrees outside! I thought I lived in Wisconsin, not Arizona. Needless to say, today is going to be an indoor sport kind of day.

1 comment:

Northwoods Woman said...

It's just been a horrible summer. Way too fucking hot to do anything!