Friday, September 09, 2005

Forceful Evacuation

Ya know, this is a tough one for me. I STRONGLY believe that property-owners should be allowed to do what they please on their property. That includes staying on said property should a disaster occur. However, I also believe that America as a whole should be able to protect its people against imminent danger. It's so hard for me to wrap my brain around either concept at this point. I want to see those people be evacuated and taken care of. I don't want to see anymore people die in this disaster. However, I can't help but think that if someone wants to stay in their home on their property during a disaster, even if it means they will most certainly die doing so, it's their right to do so. Isn't it? Like I said...tough one for me.


GUYK said...

Andi, you may be more of a libertarian than you think!LOL

I am with you. However, as has happened in the past in some places the rescuers give those who refuse to evacuate a black india ink maker and ask them to write their name and where they want to be burried on their clothes so they can be indentified and the body properly disposed.

When we gata nanny government with folks bound and determined to force people to do what they thinks is best we get this kind of nonsense. And as long as taxpayers are footing the bill most taxpayers think that they have the right to force people to take care of themselves. ie seat belt laws, motorcycle helmet laws, no candy in schools, smoking laws, and the list goes own. We are no longer a free society because we have tried to hard to help those who will not help themselves and now we want to force them to help themselves. And, one day it could be us that society is forcing to help ourselves. ( As you know, I am a small (l) libertraiian and fiscal conservative, and believe that government has too damn much power over our lives and had deprived us of the basic liberty of taking care of ourselves.

Andi said...

I whole-heartedly agree!