Friday, September 23, 2005

Frozen Tundra

Good Lord, I woke up this morning and boy, was I shivering!!! It was 38 degrees this morning when I woke up. As of now it is still only 40 degrees outside. As I sit here, I can't help but think that I'd be a little happier snuggled up in my nice warm bed. Ahhhhhhhhh bed...lovely bed....comfy bed...warm be...huh? what? Sorry!! Got distracted. Where was I? Oh yeah, it's cold. It's like the state of Wisconsin somehow heard that autumn just started. Autumn started and Mother Nature said "WAIT!! Oh yeah, it's suppose to be COLD in Wisconsin now!" and then WHAM!! we're all freezing. Anyone got room for one more person somewhere in the south?? I promise I won't get in the way.


GUYK said...

I just LOVE Florida in the fall
Hurricanes and rain and wind and all

Andi said...

lol I guess we all have our complaints about this time of year.