Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Stupid people PISS ME OFF!

I went to the doctor on 5/10/04...yes 04!! The dr office sent a claim to my insurance company. They got no response. They sent two more claims, with the same result. FINALLY, nine months after they sent the last claim, they sent me a letter telling me they haven't received payment for that date of service. So I call my insurance company and they say "We never got a claim for that date of service". So I call the dr. back and tell them to fax over a new claim. My insurance company reprocesses the claim and denies it because the time between the date of service 5/10/04 and the time the claim was filed 8/17/04 was more than 15 months. So I call the insurance company back. They say to call the doctor's office and have them fax proof that they sent claims to them PRIOR to the 15 month period ended. So I call the doctor back, they have NO idea what I'm talking about. They don't have a date of service with that date, they have no idea what I am saying. They have no recollection about any of it. So I call the doctor himself. They gave me a new number to call. So I call them, FINALLY she says, "yeah, it's right here. I'll send it out right away". I was beginning to think I was losing my mind!

I swear, I wanna just collect the addresses of every idiot slacker that has NO clue how to do their job and just take some vacation time, driving around beating the ever-loving SHIT outta each and everyone of them! But I won't. I'll sit in my little hole of the world taking stupid people's crap everytime something like this happens, just like the rest of the free-world.

1 comment:

GUYK said...

Don't take any crap from them!! I keep a copy of everything I get from the quacks and sweetthing I each see about three different ones. My insurance is an HMO and everything goes through the primary care doc for insurance approval. The HMO has contracts with these doctors and various medical labs and hospitals at a fixed price per prodecure. They are not allowed to charge me anymore than the contract pplus my co-pay. But they damn sure try. I send a copy to my insurance conpny which actualy is the Federal Governments insurance for retired military and active duty dependents. The Feds will give them hell over it and once they find out it stops but once in a while there is a new kid on the block who wants to get the extra buck-and watch your credit report because they will try that also.