Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The Asshole Quiz

My results cracked me up, so I had to post it for y'all. Take the quiz and let me know in comments how you scored!

You make me SICK. You probably love singing,
dancing and children. You're a parasite to
society. You're a novice asshole. Practice
hating people more. No wait, just forget it.
You'll probably fail again. I hate you. Ditch
your friends and spend all your spare time
hating Tony Danza.

The A-Hole Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla


Mise en Place said...

Oh my, it appears that I'm as big of an asshole as you! Very funny quiz. I answered yes to more than I thought. Really I was thinking I was going to be rated a BIG asshole!

BTW, I've been meaning to tell you, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your profile picture. Everytime I see it, I laugh!

Misty said...

Same results :)

Am going out to practise hating people more, starting with anybody who lets their violent dog run loose...

Northwoods Woman said...

I'm a asshole, no doubt about it.

Andi said...

LOL Thanks!! I love that picture too!

Looks like we all have a little asshole in us lol

Misty, you go get that nasty dog!

LOL Livey, I don't think you're as much of an asshole as you want people to think. You have a big heart.

Northwoods Woman said...

But that's what it said! and you know those tests don't lie! LOL

Andi said...


Anonymous said...

You make me SICK. You probably love singing, dancing and children. You're a parasite to society. You're a novice asshole. Practice hating people more. No wait, just forget it. You'll probably fail again. I hate you. Ditch your friends and spend all your spare time hating Tony Danza.


Love ya,