Friday, October 21, 2005

My Soul

You are naturally born with a gift, whether it be
poetry, writing or song. You love beauty and
creativity, and usually are highly intelligent.
Others view you as mysterious and dreamy, yet
also bold since you hold firm in your beliefs.

What Type of Soul Do You Have ?
brought to you by Quizilla

Respectfully ripped off from Livey


GUYK said...

I ain't got one. I traded it for a 1953 Ford Convertable and a red headed bit titted girl when I was sixteen. The car wore out, the girl did too and I was left with nothing but a weird sense of humor-scarred for life, baldheaded and with a total dependence on a dip of Skoal to make me feel better about the whole gotdam thing. I don't need no freakin' soul-give me a dip of Sloal!See! It even rhymes and fits with the times--stop that right now Guy..

Andi said...

LOL you're such a nut!

Andi said...

lol I don't know about coincidence! Don't people of the same soul type gravitate toward each other? LOL

Northwoods Woman said...

Anyone with a soul like mine scares the shit outta me! LOL

Misty said...

I've got a sorrowful soul apparently... :-(

I'll try not to let that get me down though :)

Andi said...

awwww Misty :( *hugs*